Monday 27 May 2019

Why I say every day is Mother's Day

I am very very inspired by the phrase 'Everyday Is Mothers Day' because I myself think that is very true, so today I would like to share an article I wrote for my dearest mother on Mother's Day.

Happy mothers day to the one who gave me birth and made me exist in this huge world.She made me grow up with the complete warmth and never let me stand behind in anything.

Happy mothers day to the one who
Made me exist in this massive world
and took such utter care of me
And never let me stand behind in anything

Happy mothers day to the one who
helped me under all circumstance
Never let me fell alone and lonely
I love you mom, you are the best

Happy mothers day to the one who never left me alone and always stayed with me and guided me with everything like respect, homework and much more things.

Happy mothers day to the one who became my best friend and helped in life's every difficult bend. She unconditionally loves me and I try to love her back too.

Happy mothers day to the one who helped me to overcome my weaknesses and eventually turned them into my greatest strengths.

She never left me alone, but at the same time she made me independent and she is the best mother.

She is my swimming partner and My cycling coach, she also sends me in activities she doesn't know like music and robotics.

She keeps motivating me which gives me the right confidence, She is also my worst critic but criticises me in the helpful way.

I really really love you mom, you have a very special place In my heart.


  1. It's straight from d heart of a son what he feels.... Great going arsh...

  2. Thank you so much son, means a lot to me.
