Once in a beautiful ocean, there was a humble island. It was divided into two parts which were the Friers and the Stungers , which was because a rich person Martin Stunger was creating and developing his own clan on the island which was known as Stungers and the king was Martin Stunger. Those who didn't want to get in that clan assuming that it is not fair, they came on the other side which was later called Friers but they had no king as they never wanted to create their own clan.The Friers were less than Stungers because Martin Stunger gave poor villagers money for joining his Stungers gang.This created a big fight in them.
One fine day, a huge ship arrived to the Stungers land, the Friers also gathered there.One of the Friers inquired that what is in that big ship but the Stungers ignored and told them to rush away from there.
The thing which was in the ship was important to be a secret, it was a lot of guns, old style canons and some bombs.They ordered these weapons to plan the secret attack on the Friers after somedays. This was Martin Stunger's plan to finish the Friers.
They built secret, momentous, underground tunnels through the Stungers land to the Friers land so, when they cross the underground tunnel they will enter the friers land. Martin Stunger opened army training centres to train the people to attack on the friers land. He planned that who will attack from where, when will they attack, which weapons will they take and many other things.
Today was the day of attack, everybody armed, cannons and all ready and boooommmm!!!They went from the tunnels and started attacking, but while they were attacking, a sudden rainstorm came, the Stungers went back, and the Friers ran into their houses. Suddenly, a very shiny, green thing fell with a lightning speed on the ground.It shined really bright, teleporting the Friers to a very dark, cosy place.
The Friers, making sure they are not under attack, tried to discover the place. It was really big, dark and warm. They later discovered that they are inside a gigantic mountain.
They developed that mountain to a really big and cool village.They also kept high plans for safety and emergency exit, a big, strong and powerful balloon which can carry the whole mountain incase somebody attacks them.
the Stungers somehow routed that large mountain and again attacked the Friers. This time the Friers understood the trick of the Stungers and their powerful balloon flew the whole mountain high in the air and saved them for now. Then the Friers took their weapons and attacked, fortunately they won
(They believed that that stone was sent by god to save them.)
That’s beautifully weaved. I had no clue you can weave fantasy fictions as well. Keep it up and keep working hard👌👍😊